mercredi 26 novembre 2008

S-cup 2008

So i went to the S-cup 2008 event last monday.

Good points :)
- Good friendly mood (entrance of Ceasar with dark Vader theme,..)
- nice fireworks, music, and effects.
- Souwer on fire from the begining to the end
- MMA fighters did better than expected (standing submissioin from Luiz Azeredo)
- exciting situation (multiples kos in the fight Azeredo / Ogata)

- The final, Ogata Vs Souwer, that everyone was waiting for, did happened.

bad points :(
- Too bad Brian Lo-A- njoe wasnt there. Was hoping to see that revenge with ogata.
- saitama superarena was a bit too big for this event. The hall wasnt foul, and even when screaming the crowd wasnt that noisy.
- Visibility wasnt great, couldnt take any good pics. And only 1 big screen very far.
- some boring fights. dont take me for a sexist, but 2 girls fights weren't that necessary. I prayed there wouldnt have extra round at both.
- Also what with all these "exibitions"between fights?!? the "cantatrice" in the middle of the show, the basketball team players, and specialy this :

WTF?!? can somebody explain this to me? It looks like an advertissement for chips.

Its just my opinion, but i think everybody would have prefer to watch other fights than that.

Gladely, the main show, the S-CUP tournament, bring some good fights.
thats the most important after all.

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